
Hello guys ! It's been a while since my last post right ? I'm sorry i can't post very often because i dont have time to. I had so many things to do such as homeworks, assignments, and the other things i had to do in real life (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) . So, today I'll post about EXO-L.

SM Entertaiment officially announced on the August 5th that, EXO's official fanclub name would be "EXO-L". If you haven't know, EXO-L stands for LOVE, And letter L is chosen because It's between K and M. So, it also represent all the fans who loves EXO. And it also has the meaning that EXO and their fans are one. Just like EXO's team slogan "We Are One"

You can access EXO-L's homepage here

The fanclub also running an mobile application to allow for ease of use for fans around the world. For those who join the fanclub, will be given an individual barcodes and mobile member cards. The application will also have member chatting events, exclusive contents and official schedules. 

There will be a special event starting from August 6th, in which once a week there will be chatting event where the fans will be able to have a conversation with a member. The event also will allow you to win prizes by answering quiz questions about EXO. 

Its really hard to register to the fanclub because, I always get server traffic like this

Or even runtime error like this

You must be very very patient, So you can register at the fanclub's homepage. You can follow my steps if you want to.

1. So first, I will tell you how to register at the homepage. Click here

EXO-L homepage

2. You can close the notice and then, clcik the login button 

3. After you click the login button, It will automatically pop-up a new tab like this, And then click on 'Join membership'

4. It will take you directly to this page, And then click OK after you read the guide

5. After you clicked on OK button, it will take you to the register form page like this. Fill the form as you wish i mean based on your profile lol ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ), 

6. Oh ya ! Don't forget to click on 'check for id' to check your e-mail is not already registered or not. If it tell you that the e-mail has been used, it means you already have SMTOWN account. so you don't have to register again. you can login by your SMTOWN account. If it tell you that the e-mail can be used, then go ahead ! click on the subscribed button ((┌|o^▽^o|┘))♪


8. Now, open the homepage again to see your account ! TA-DAAA ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

The how-to-register-at-exo-l-homepage HAS FINISHED !! YAYY ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ Its nice to help you guys !!! I write this post because there are still some people that still cant register on the homepage (︶︹︺)

You can join the quiz by clicking the exo's member planet. You have chance to win the prizes, And look ! The exo's constellation looks so beautiful  OT11+ wufan's galaxy = ONE p(´⌒`。q)

"there's no such thing as galaxy (wu yi fan) if there's no constellation (exo) and stars (fans) constellation + stars = galaxy we are one"

I CRIED (━┳━ _ ━┳━)


p.s : - Luckily when i made this post the server was cooperative (⌒▽⌒) 
       - Guys please do leave a comment ;A; i dont know if my post is useful or not so please kindly do leave a                   comment it means a lot to me ╥﹏╥

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